Saturday, November 22, 2008


Twilight. This book/movie is what everyone is talking about these days. I never really knew why until I started reading the book. I must say I am hooked, absolutely hooked! I want to read this book 24/7 but sadly I can’t as my agenda is packed with homework…

Anyways, getting to the point of this blog:

I told my mum I was reading Twilight and she had no objections, just one comment. She commented on the fact that she doesn’t think that it is right for something that is evil to be perceived as something good. Just like Edward and his family is seen as the good vampires in this book. This got me thinking.

One of the thoughts that entered my head was surely there is good in everyone and thing, but then when I really thought about it I came to the conclusion that that is not necessarily always true. I mean take Satan for example. I have a very hard time trying to find something good about him.

The second thought that entered my mind was that I don’t really know what I think about mum’s comment. I know that I won’t fall for believing that vampires can be good and that me reading or watching something that portrays something bad as good will affect my faith in God. Yet, that’s about all I know.

Mum’s comment about people, these days, making something evil seem actually good just got me thinking. And quite honestly I don’t know where I stand within her comment.

But I can’t wait to pick up the book again and continued reading. I also can’t wait to watch the movie! (I hope that it does the book justice). I really, really, really like this book, Twilight and would happily recommend it to anyone.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Waiting for Morning- Theme

Last night I finished reading Waiting for Morning. It is written by Karen Kingsbury, one of my favourite authors. I have read many of her books and hope to read more in the future.

Anyways I reckon the theme of this book is forgiveness.

Hannah Ryan, the main character, is a faithful Christian who loves the Lord very much so. She has the perfect life and a wonderful family. Her and her husband Tom had been sweethearts all their life and their two beautiful daughters, Alicia and Jenny, have everything going for them. Hannah Ryan loves her life.

Well, that was until Brian Wesley destroyed her family. He was drunk and drove straight into them as Tom, Alicia and Jenny were coming back from a fishing trip. Jenny survived, but sadly Alicia and Tom did not. Hannah’s life was shaken upside down.

She lost her faith in God and her relationship with Jenny. And all she wanted to do was to put Brian Wesley in prison for life. Her hatred for him blinded her from everything else that was going on around her. Even the fact that her own daughter was seriously considering committing suicide. But she thought that once she got Brian in prison she would find peace.

Brian got accused for first degree murder and was sent to prison for 50 years. Hannah was happy, but not at peace. Yet, through Matt (her new husband-to-be), Carol (her new best friend), Jenny, and a note left from Tom, Hannah found out that the only way she could have peace was if she forgave Brian.

In the end she did and peace flooded in like a river. She also regained her faith in God.

That’s why I think the theme of this story is forgiveness, but more specifically, forgiveness can set you free. It certainly set Hannah free, and it also set Brian free (he became a Christian in the end).

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Slender Thread- Symbolism

I finished A Slender Thread earlier this week. It was a good book; a book that provoked deep thought within me.

Anyways, I was thinking about what to write for this blog and for some crazy reason, ‘literary terms’ came into my head. Thankfully it did though, because I now have something to write about…

In this book symbolism is used.

Grammy (the sisters Grandmother who brought them up) likes to make quilts and she is very good. There is one peculiar piece she made that was especially good. This was a quilt made from pieces of what the sisters and her loved. Pieces from old favourite dresses, teddy bears etc. Each sister had a square and in the middle was the ‘Mitchell’ (their last name) square. It was very beautiful; someone even offered $2,000 for it. Yet, Grammy didn’t make it to sell; this quilt represented/symbolized her family.

When all the sisters were disunited, angry and not talking to each other, Grammy cut up her quilt and sent each square to the sister it belonged too. This cutting up off the quilt represented/showed that their family was falling apart. But at the end, when everything gets worked out and they are one happy, united family again, Grammy puts the quilt back together.

So as you can see, the quilt symbolized that Mitchell family.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I think the theme of this book is ‘family is so important.’

In this book there are five sisters who have been brought up by their Grandma. All their childhood lives she has tried to teach them how important it is to be close with your family and to gain strength from them. However, as the 5 sisters have grown up they have drifted apart. They were no longer the close little family that used to live on a farm.

But now, years later, horrible, dreadful things are happening to them and in order to survive, they need to come together as one family and find strength in each other. This isn’t easy though, as they have put high walls between each other. And, I’m not sure yet as I haven’t finished the book, but I think that in the end, they will pull down those walls separating them and learn how to become one again. For this to happen have always been Grammy’s prayer and I bet it will happen.

So I think that the theme of this book is ‘family is so important.’

Monday, October 27, 2008

A Slender Thread- Suspense/Foreshadowing

This book is taking me longer to read than usual. It isn't a boring a book. It is just a slow book. Quite honestly there is nothing happening. Grammy and the 5 sisters are just talking. Yet, even there there is zero action, there is tons of suspense. I have a feeling that something big is about to happen.

There are three parts to this book and I have just finished part 1. Part 1 is what I reckon to be the introduction. It's like a long setting; sort of like Things Fall Apart.

Anyways, I can't really explain why I think something big will happen. I can just sense it. For example, Ashley (the oldest) is married and has 2 boys that she adores. However, I think they are going to die and that she will fall back in love with her high school sweetheart that she re-met at the funeral. I think they are going to die because she just called home (she is staying at with Grammy) and Jack, her husband, didn't pick up. Something just seemed fishy. Also, Harry, Ashley's first love, is engaged but is thinking of canceling it. This is just one example from one of the five sisters.

So even though this book is slow and sometimes boring, I'm gonna push through and continue reading because I think that something big and exciting is about to happen. Hopefully, that something will happen.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Slender Thread- LIFE

This book, A Slender Thread, really make me think about life.

All the sisters in this book aren’t content with their life. One wants a slower pace life, one wants love, one wants acceptance while the other two aren’t quite sure what they want. Their quests to find the meaning of their lives have caused me to think of my own.

Life has gone by so fast for me. I remember saying ‘Oh, when I get to high school I’m gonna be so grown up that I will do ____.’ Being in high school used to seem like a far way off but the freaky thing is that I AM in high school. The first 15 years of my life have flown by and I will never be able to get them back. When I think about, really think about it, it scares me. But it also causes me to wonder, ‘what am I doing with my life right now.’ So many days have passed by and all I have really done is gone to school, attended volleyball practice and completed my homework. And quite honestly, I think that is sad. I have so many dreams and ambitions for my life, yet I am still sitting on my butt not trying to make those come true. For example, some days all I do if surf the internet. What productive thing could have come out of that? I could be writing an encouraging email to a friend in need. I hate wasting a day on the computer, yet I do it so often. I guess the reason I hate it is because it uses up so much time of my life. My life is like a ticking bomb. I’m only going to live for x amount of years and then bam! my life is over. I just hope that I utilize my time wisely and live for God.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Slender AThread

I had just finished reading Shadows of the Canyon by Tracie Peterson. I must say I really enjoyed that book. It was one of those books that I really got stuck into.

Anyways, I was at the library choosing another book to read, where I came upon A Slender Thread. Ironically, this book is written by Tracie Peterson. Since I had fallen in love with one of her books already, I reckoned that this one must also be good.

When I first read the back of the book I thought that the story would be about 5 YOUNG sisters; sisters who are around 16~25 years old (25 pushing the oldest age). I also thought that the mother, who was mentioned in the back for abandoning them, would still be alive. But in actual truth this was not the case. The story starts of with the mother’s, Rachelle Barrister, funeral. All the sisters are there to pay their respects. Ashley, the oldest, is married and has two kids. Brook, her identical twin, is in the modeling career. Connie is out there living her own life and Deirdre, the second youngest, is also married and has one child. And Erica, the baby of the family, appears to be no younger than 23. It then tells the story in a flashback sorta fashion; where you get each sister’s take on their sad past without their biological mother. So far this book has surprised me. I guess the short description on the backs of books can lead you astray sometimes. However, with saying that, I am enjoying A Slender Thread.