Friday, November 7, 2008

A Slender Thread- Symbolism

I finished A Slender Thread earlier this week. It was a good book; a book that provoked deep thought within me.

Anyways, I was thinking about what to write for this blog and for some crazy reason, ‘literary terms’ came into my head. Thankfully it did though, because I now have something to write about…

In this book symbolism is used.

Grammy (the sisters Grandmother who brought them up) likes to make quilts and she is very good. There is one peculiar piece she made that was especially good. This was a quilt made from pieces of what the sisters and her loved. Pieces from old favourite dresses, teddy bears etc. Each sister had a square and in the middle was the ‘Mitchell’ (their last name) square. It was very beautiful; someone even offered $2,000 for it. Yet, Grammy didn’t make it to sell; this quilt represented/symbolized her family.

When all the sisters were disunited, angry and not talking to each other, Grammy cut up her quilt and sent each square to the sister it belonged too. This cutting up off the quilt represented/showed that their family was falling apart. But at the end, when everything gets worked out and they are one happy, united family again, Grammy puts the quilt back together.

So as you can see, the quilt symbolized that Mitchell family.

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